
A VC firm was exploring investment in a spin-out company with an antibody targeted at metastatic cancer indications. Before committing to the financing round, the investor required independent due diligence be performed. Leveraging our network of experts, Alacrita performed due diligence on both the technology and the commercial strategy of the target company and its anti-mestasta.
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An antibody business development specialist reviewed the commercial strategy of the target and a pharmaceutical oncologist reviewed the underlying concept and supporting preclinical data. The analysis from both was brought together in a report highlighting the key areas of risk and key points of value for the investor. Alacrita led a discussion with the target spin-out company on its findings before producing a final independent report. We reviewed the due diligence analysis with our client, who ultimately decided to make the investment.

Due Diligence Consulting

Alacrita due diligence consultants have been a trusted DD source for close to fifteen years, conducting assignments for large pharma, biotech, universities and investors. Every due diligence we perform is underpinned by our ability to incorporate individuals into each project who have the exact matching expertise required for a complete, thorough and accurate assessment.

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