Digestive & GI consulting support

We support clients on a range of drug development products and programs focused on digestive and GI diseases, and advise healthcare investors and business development teams on individual assets, pipelines and companies in this promising space. Our core team draws from an extended consulting network, which has over 50 senior consultants experienced in this disease area. These specialists understand the unique and complex set of challenges present in their development and commercialization and can help you effectively navigate through them. Our extensive resources in this space allow us to field project teams that precisely match the expertise needs of each project. 

The support we can provide ranges from opportunity mapping and business strategy to regulatory affairs, preclinical and clinical support, to due diligence, valuations and licensing, partnering & dealmaking, among other consulting service.

Number of consultants with digestive & GI disease area expertise, by discipline* and by education:



*Some consultants have expertise in multiple disciplines

Recent Consulting Projects in this disease space:

  • Value proposition and pricing for novel treatment for GI indications: A clinical stage pharma company with development and commercialization rights to a novel treatment for GI indications wanted to gain marketing authorization in Europe. However, the European market opportunity from the payer’s perspective was still unclear. Alacrita was asked to help the company better understand the payer perspective through primary research.

  • Revenue Model for an AI imaging application targeting GI: Our client was a medical solutions provider specialising in AI applications applied to real-time analysis of medical imagery to provide clinicians with real-time decision-making intelligence. The technology was being applied to a number of GI settings, and the client selected four for Alacrita to develop a defensible set of financials underpinned by a market access strategy and plan to support a Series A raise and withstand investor and other third-party scrutiny.

  • GI business development landscape for private equity investor: A private equity client assessing a major investment asked Alacrita to research and assess the business development landscape for potential in-licensing or acquisition deals that could be value-enhancing add-ons to the target company. Alacrita conducted a comprehensive search of late stage and commercial assets that had a good fit with the target company's therapeutic focus. We generated a long list of potential opportunities and, based on iterative discussions with our PE client, we filtered the database to yield a short list of ca. 20 potential opportunities that represented the best combination of fit and potential availability. In addition, we generated a long list of other opportunities in adjacent areas for further consideration.

  • Due diligence for a biotech developing an AI-driven drug discovery platform: A biotech company had developed an AI-driven drug discovery platform to discover phytocompounds and bioactives with the potential to impact human health. Alacrita was retained to conduct a due diligence of the platform and the initial molecules identified by it for NASH/NAFLD as well as other GI indications, and to make recommendations for how best to partner the technology with pharmaceutical companies.

  • Triage-level due diligence on three GI assets: : For a mid-size European pharma company thinking of entering a new therapeutic area, we conducted ‘Triage’ level due diligence focused only on publicly available information for three assets being developed for a specific GI indication. Using the publicly-available information about each program and a landscape analysis of the particular indication, we provided a high-level assessment in the following areas:
    • Scientific rationale of the mechanism of action in the target indication;
    • Strength of proof-of-concept data;
    • Summary of regulatory status e.g., designations;
    • Market opportunity including competitive landscape and differentiation.

    We conducted the entire assessment within a requested one week timeframe.

Selection of Digestive & GI Consulting Case Studies

Challenge: A disease area unit within a global biopharmaceutical company was charged with a mandate to seek out novel candidate assets in development to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and Celiac disease After a thorough internal review of the public biotech landscape, Alacrita was contacted to assist in their search and evaluation efforts for external innovation in all modalities, especially microbiome and tolerance induction, but not cell therapies. The stage of development of most interest to the client was primarily candidate stage assets within 18 months of an Investigational New Drug (IND) Application in the US and EU.

Solution: Alacrita consultants worked closely with the client to identify a stream of opportunities for further evaluation. An initial search of a commercial pipeline database was conducted focused on the client’s search criteria. Potential candidate assets were highlighted for the client and approved by in-house scientific team leaders for outreach. Non-confidential slide decks were requested from asset owners and further evaluated by Alacrita prior to determining whether to send to the client, depending on continued fit with the client’s search criteria. In parallel, secondary searches of technology licensing office and SBIR grant databases, as well as biotech incubators and venture capital portfolio companies were initiated. Over the three-month scouting campaign, >2,000 asset opportunities were evaluated and the client was provided with over 100 assets to approve for outreach, culminating in several attractive opportunities for further partnering discussions.

Challenge: A clinical stage pharma company with development and commercialization rights to a novel treatment for GI indications wanted to gain marketing authorization in Europe. However, the European market opportunity from the payer’s perspective was still unclear. Alacrita was asked to help the company better understand the payer perspective through primary research.

Solution: First, Alacrita reviewed documentation describing the product, the target product profile (TPP), market survey information, health economic data and points of product differentiation. We recruited payers currently or recently involved in Health Technology Assessment (HTA), reimbursement and pricing decisions, at national or regional level. We prepared a payer pre-read document that incorporated the TPP as well as evidence for differentiation, health economic arguments/data, evidence generation plan and a discussion guide. Alacrita obtained views on the product’s value given the disease burden, and prospective pricing for the product. We tested the evidence required to support proposed pricing and preferred formulary position, and the possibility of pursuing multiple indications; within those, the specific sub-patient populations payers feel have the biggest unmet need.

Challenge: A biotech company had developed an AI-driven drug discovery platform to discover phytocompounds and bioactives with the potential to impact human health. Alacrita was retained to conduct a due diligence of the platform and the initial molecules identified by it for NASH/NAFLD as well as other GI indications, and to make recommendations for how best to partner the technology with pharmaceutical companies.

Solution: Alacrita's starting point was a mock due diligence assessing both the compounds and the platform to identfy areas that would raise issues if/when pharmaceutical companies were to take an interest. We found that the client's pitch materials did not enable easy comparison of the client's compounds with the industry-accepted small molecule drug-like chemical space to inform decision-making on the value of the technology. This was a particular issue given that details of the underlying platform are not made explicit to potential partners, and pharma companies are wary of "Black Box" technology. Our recommendations highlighted the need to modify the pitch materials, possibly requiring generation of new drug discovery data and case studies in order to maximize potential interest from prospective partners.