
For a competitive M&A transaction, Alacrita was commissioned to conduct a technical due diligence of a major public drug delivery contract development and manufacturing organization. This high profile transaction required Alacrita to quickly field a team comprising formulations, clinical, regulatory, quality and manufacturing/supply chain experts with the specialized experience relevant to the target company. To compound matters, the target company did not release a full dataroom and were available for only limited Q&A.


Alacrita assembled an extremely well qualified DD team within a week which worked alongside our client's internal team. Available target company documentation was thoroughly analysed to a tight deadline, and we extended our assessment through targeted primary and secondary research in the area. Our team was also permitted an on-site visit to the target facilities (not during working hours). At the end of an intensive three week process, we reported our draft findings to the client, and followed up with a final report shortly after addressing some issues that were raised by the client. The due diligence green-lighted a full bid and the transaction was completed following target company Board acceptance and shareholder approvals. The due diligence green-lighted a full bid and the transaction was completed following target company Board acceptance and shareholder approvals.

Due Diligence Services

Alacrita's due diligence experts have conducted over 200 major assignments for large pharma, biotech, universities and investors, underpinned by our ability to ensure each due diligence exercise is supported by individuals with the precise expertise required for a complete, thorough and accurate assessment.

Additional Due Diligence Case Studies