
A startup with a novel technology for enzymatic synthesis of dsDNA approached Alacrita to assess potential opportunities for the technology in the biopharma space. Hitherto the company had been focussing on diagnostics and other applications, and had no experience in the pharma space to guide their strategy development. The commissioned Alacrita to map the applications to focus its efforts on, potentially in the gene therapy space, and the capabilities they would need to have in place in order to pursue these applications.


Using publicly available information, scientific literature, analysis of competitor company websites proprietary databases and our internal knowledge of the gene therapy arena, we provide the client with a database specifying:

  • Gene therapy applications with an unmet need that may be suited to its technology;
  • A semi-quantitative indication of application potential;
  • The technology performance capabilities it would need to meet.

The deliverable included recommendations and rationales for priority applications and a discussion of performance capabilities needed.


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