
A UK university had developed a technology that permits the creation of surface-immobilized functional RNAs in a microarray format. The technology has the potential to impact both industrial and academic research and contribute significantly to the unravelling of the complex interactions currently hidden within the transcriptome. Previous work on commercialization planning had established interest in the technology among both prospective academic and industrial users. However, feedback from interested parties highlighted that the university needed to better demonstrate utility of the RNA arrays in a practical application. Alacrita was therefore asked to provide further business planning and development support to the project.


We first developed a commercialization roadmap characterizing the identified commercial opportunities, including transcription profiling, monitoring of transcription and monitoring translation, including for market opportunity, competitive environment, technology ‘fit’, routes to market and project readiness for each route.

We then provided business development support including identification of prospective partners/collaborators, development of materials to support discussions, introduction of the technology to prospective partners and where required, support for negotiations with prospective partners. Patenting strategy support was also provided, particularly in relation to ongoing prosecution of US and EPO patent filings.


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