
A company was developing a unique dengue vaccine which it planned to out-license to a Big Pharma partner. Alacrita was commissioned to provide business development support to identify a suitable out-licensing partner and to prepare the client team for the out-licensing process. 


Alacrita’s vaccine specialists first conducted an in-depth technology review to identify any potential technical or commercial risks to partnering the asset. Our analysis uncovered some areas of the program that could make the asset less attractive to pharma partners and we worked with the client to prepare mitigation strategies. 

We then created confidential and non-confidential slide decks to showcase the technology and helped prepare a virtual dataroom ready for diligence.

After generating a list of possible pharma partners, we used our industry connections to engage and explore interest in the vaccine.


Pharma out-licensing, partnering and dealmaking

We provide a range of pharma licensing services, taking a flexible approach that can include dovetailing with your existing internal capabilities and activities, or taking on full-responsibility for your out-licensing efforts.

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