Inflammatory bowel disease primary market research & opportunity mapping

Challenge: A private venture-backed US biotech company was developing a biologic through late-stage drug discovery and wished to quantify the commercial opportunity for the product in treating anemia...
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Viral vector manufacturing landscape and bottlenecks

Challenge: A national biomedical research agency requested Alacrita’s support with (1) a technical assessment of the agency’s own internal capabilities in AAV manufacturing, (2) a global landscape of...
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Opportunity mapping for hemojuvelin antibody

Challenge: A US-based biotech company developing a novel biologic which impacts iron metabolism, wanted help deciding which disease and patient groups would make the best lead indication for...
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Indication prioritization for oligonucleotide-based therapeutics targeting age-related disorders

Challenge: A university spinout was developing oligonucleotide therapeutics to address age-related disorders. The company wanted to understand the most attractive lead indications in which to focus...
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Comparing clinical response rates for Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes against other therapeutic modalities

Challenge Alacrita supported the European arm of a major company creation investor as part of an ongoing workstream to evaluate the benefits of refocusing its investments into the tumour infiltrating...
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Development plan validation for novel small molecule for cancer

Challenge: For a university with an early stage novel inhibitor of the JAK2/STAT5 pathway intended to treat hematologic malignancies, Alacrita was asked to validate a development plan to support...
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Valuation of a novel oncology program to support fundraising and M&A opportunities

Challenge An early stage virtual company developing a siRNA knock-down technology to increase chemo-sensitivity of tumor cells had developed a specific formulation of its siRNA therapeutic using a...
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Supporting a PE Fund with Radiopharmaceutical Opportunity Mapping & Market Landscaping

Challenge A private equity fund which had successfully invested in the advanced biologics CDMO space was considering entering the radiopharmaceuticals CDMO space through investment in an established...
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Characterizing the European commercial opportunity for a microbiome company

Challenge: A clinical stage microbiome company was developing a microbiome therapeutic for the treatment of recurrent C. Difficle infection (rCDI). The company was progressing through clinical...
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Glycan biomarker discovery market research in North America

Challenge A glycan biomarker research company with a proprietary platform offering biomarker discovery and characterization, diagnostic development and commercialization asked Alacrita to help them...
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Business plan and fundraising for cell therapy company

Challenge An early stage, European cell therapy company focused on developing novel off-the-shelf NK cell therapy solutions for the treatment of a variety of cancers had developed a platform...
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Investor pitch deck for biotech developing non-opioid analgesic

Challenge A start-up US biotech developing a non-opioid analgesic drug and delivery device was preparing to raise its first round of external funding. They engaged Alacrita to help frame the target...
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