Could COVID-19 be a catalyst for virtualizing clinical trials?

The virtualization of clinical trials has long been technically feasible, but cultural and regulatory barriers have prevented implementation. With over 1200 clinical trials worldwide being...
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Adapting to Our “New” Virtual Reality in Biotech

In the current crisis, working virtually is now a reality for many. The preparedness for this varies greatly. For some it’s business as usual, for others “going virtual” simply hasn’t been feasible,...
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Pipeline asset valuation: garbage in – garbage out

Methods of valuing pharmaceutical development-stage assets have been a perennial talking point for decades, and the advantages and disadvantages of each have been covered in numerous publications....
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COVID-19: a catalyst for anti-infective investing?

There has been a persistent call from early stage innovators to shine a spotlight on building anti-infective defenses in light of the looming crisis of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Unfortunately,...
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The risk-reward balance in drug repurposing

Does drug repurposing overcome the hurdles and pitfalls in drug development? Having conducted several recent due diligence exercises in the repurposing space, we discuss the gems and the hidden...
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Gene Therapy: Suspending Vector Immunity and Facilitating Re-Dosing?

Vector immunity is currently a major limiting factor in gene therapy. In the first place, patients with pre-existing immunity may either be ineligible for treatment or may require extremely high...
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Pharmaceutical Patents: an overview

Protecting new treatments and innovations is critical for drug developers. In this article, we provide of an overview of the history of patents, what a patent is, the general process to obtain one...
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Moving beyond cancer: CAR-T therapy takes on autoimmune disease

It’s not untypical for an emerging cancer treatments to be dubbed “revolutionary” or “game-changing”, but stepping beyond cliché, chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (“CAR-T”) therapy can rightly be...
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Monetizing the microbiome

Based on some neat guesstimating1, the number of bacteria in the gut roughly equals the number of cells in our bodies, so it’s no surprise that such a substantial (around 200g in a 70kg adult) and...
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Pharma Valuations: When to Use Incidence and/or Prevalence

Many would agree that input assumptions are the most important part of a pharma or biotech portfolio valuation. Of these, one particularly critical assumption is the addressable patient population,...
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Summer in Paris: NASH Update

Title: Summer in Paris: NASH Update Author: Peter G. Traber, MD Date: 07/16/2019 The Paris NASH meeting was held July 11 and 12, 2019, subtitled as an “International Think Tank” and it certainly did...
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No Acceptable Surrogates for NASH Cirrhosis

Title: No Acceptable Surrogates for NASH Cirrhosis Author: Peter G. Traber, MD Date: 06/06/2019 The FDA released draft guidance on developing drugs for compensated NASH cirrhosis (Nonalcoholic...
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