The Rise and Rise of Antibody-Drug Conjugates

The path of the "magic bullet" Around the turn of the last century, Paul Ehrlich postulated that tailored and targeted drug delivery might be a means of treating disease1. Some eighty years later,...
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Do Price and Value Assumptions Belong in a Target Product Profile?

We often get pushback from clients about the merit of including launch price assumptions and value proposition statements in the target product profile (TPP) for early-stage development programs....
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Maybe they should start calling it Decelerated Approval?

The FDA is proposing that a single trial could support both accelerated and full approval of oncology therapeutics. At first glance this seems to be a promising development. Though, as one reads more...
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Beyond rNPV Valuations

Many valuation purists believe that a risk-adjusted net present value (rNPV) is the be-all and end-all of the value of a pharmaceutical asset. After all, it captures all the best insights into future...
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Cancer Vaccines: Ready for Prime Time or Another False Dawn?

Cancer Vaccines: Ready for Prime Time or Another False Dawn? Moderna and BioNTech recently reported positive early clinical data for mRNA cancer vaccines in combination with PD-1/L1 inhibitors, so...
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Drug Repurposing: Realities and Roadblocks

Drug Repurposing Market: Realities and Roadblocks We receive a steady stream of enquiries about opportunities in drug repurposing, often from people who see a short, low risk pathway to large...
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The race is on: after almost six decades, RSV vaccines near the finish line

The COVID-19 pandemic established that, when push comes to shove, successful vaccine development and deployment can be conducted at breakneck speed, even when largely untried and untested...
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For pharma & biotech, what's the value of a valuation?

When a client approaches us about conducting a valuation for them, our first question is always: why? If, for example, the reason is to help support them in a partnering negotiation, we proceed...
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Targeted protein degradation: a new pharmacology paradigm?

Traditional drug development focuses on targeting proteins with a defined binding pocket or active site to regulate protein activity. These strategies have exploited only around 400 of the 4000...
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What Happens to Pharma Valuations as Interest Rates Rise?

Everyone familiar with the risk-adjusted net present value method (rNPV) knows automatically that valuations decrease as the discount rate increases. This is indeed a fundamental tenet of the...
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Targeted Radiotherapy: The Comeback Kid of Cancer Treatment?

The notion that a systemically administered source of radiation can be usefully directed towards a tumor has been exploited since the 1940s, when radioiodine was introduced as a treatment for thyroid...
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Light Due Diligence: A Contradiction in Terms?

Alacrita has established itself as an industry specialist in due diligence (DD), conducting over 25 DD assignments per year, across therapeutic areas and technologies. Sometimes a prospective clients...
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